Keyman Design
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Terms of Use

The buyer will examine the contract product before taking the delivery and will not accept the product/service from the courier company if it is smashed, broken, has a damaged package, etc. The accepted product/service will be accepted as damage free and secure.

After the delivery, it it the buyer’s obligation to carefully preserve the product/service. If the right of withdrawal is going to be used, the product/service must not be used. The invoice must be returned. Given it is delivered, the buyer is obliged to send the product/service to the buyer within 3 (three) days, if the subject bank or financial institution does not pay the product/service charge to the seller after the delivery due to an unjust or illegal usage of the credit card belonging to the buyer by unauthorized persons, from reasons not resulting from the buyer’s fault.

In this case, the delivery costs belong to the buyer. 

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